We are adding new items and will soon make this just a "Selling Blog" If you have any questions please contact me
I have to type this because otherwise the spamers get to me. Whimzyacres @ aol.com remove the spaces. Our new tarts and Sugar Shaker candles are ready and I will be adding them to the blog soon! Thanks so much! ~Shelley~
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July 15, 2009 Whistle Pig?
So, a lot of you have known us as Whimzy Acres for many years. So what is the Whistle Pig? Well, we seem to have a family of Wood Chucks. They are the cutest things. John was just enthrawled with them. He was reading up on them on the internet and they are known as Groundhogs, and Whistle Pigs.
Well my new addition to my products are my primitive things. And I was looking for a name for that portion of Whimzy Acres. What could be better than Whistle Pig? So, there you have it, Whistle Pig Primitives at Whimzy Acres! Ok..now I promise I will have some great things up here for sale in the next week....(maybe two....I gotta keep those grass seeds watered and it takes forever!). So please keep checking back and Thanks for being here! ~Shelley
Well, last night we planted grass! One more thing in getting back to normal! All around the new garage and the new sidewalk to the house. Wow...I won't know what to do when I don't have MUD and DIRT everywhere! Pretty soon they will be bringing in the rock to finish off the end of the driveway...yep I have a driveway! Haven't had one of those for 22 years!
July 13, 2009
I will be adding some of the items I have here for sale and also letting you know about items I have for sale on Ebay and on Lemon Poppy Seeds. If you have any questions, just email me! Thanks:)
Well it seems that the spam monsters picked up my email address so I will type it out.. whimzyacres @ aol.com remove the spaces. Shelley
Hi and welcome! My name is Shelley, I live in Nebraska with my husband John. We have three children who are all grown up and married.
I have been crafting in one form or another all my life. I have been a soap and candle maker for 7 years. I also love sewing and creating prim things. They just bring back the feeling of a simpler time.
I have always been a collector of things new and old and love to repurpose!
Please come in and look around, we hope you will enjoy your stay here.
Whimzy Acres is our home, also home to Whistle-Pig Primitives and The Junk Chick.
We are Lucky to live right smack dab in the middle of the best farm ground on God’s green earth!